Nov 05, 2006 00:22
so today i spoke more to my mom than i have in over two weeks prolly. trying really hard to pray about my attitude and not fail these tests.. also yesterday i had many deep breaths and prayers about controlling my tempor and attitude. yes, i am receiving help in these areas. its funny how people really don't believe me when i tell them i have a really short tempor.. you have know idea, i say to them. no idea... only my immediate family prolly does.
so today i worked and tomorrow i do to which is sad b/c no church again this weekend. was supposed to meet jonathan after work today but we talked for about an hour on the phone and decided to meet for dinner mon or tues. that'll work. always is a pretty good time. we talk good... yea. so other things...... well, i got some homework done at work today which was nice. i got some more to do tomorrow but the stressful part is pretty much done.
went to see tia heidi in the hospital this morning before work. she was REALLY out of it w/ meds. she was being given blood and lots of pain meds. still praying for her. jonathan asked me to pray for him. ty asked me to pray for him.. trying to remember... i don't want to neglect praying for someone though God knows that i'm not intentionally forgetting. well.. what else, i'm not sure here...
have gotten many more hours of sleep lately. got to see AMAZING surgery on thursday during clinical. left total knee arthroplasty. was soooo cool. did not pass out or feel faint. dr.'s and staff were friendly and funny. was an elating experience. much much enjoyed. yes.
so. a tad ticked but about nothing new. supposed to have quartet practice on monday at 430.. very inconvenient for me b/c i get out of class at 210 and will have to sit around til then. and of course shane will probably be late. should give him the benefit of the doubt but its ultra tiring. thankful more for hannah now than ever before... i don't have to feel like i should call shane and see how he's doing only to end up talking forever but really wanting to sleep but knowing he needs an ear... she does. and i'm serious, am really thankful. not that we don't talk, but i just don't feel self-obligated. big mental relief there!
oh other news... going to Europe in May. with chorale. twill be fantastic i believe. more when details are known. the end.
tia heidi,