CSU mini-update:)

Jul 14, 2007 18:40

sooooooooooo,  Staff Conference registration starts today! All the staff are pouring in and COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY is gradually filling up! Registration and Coffee House stuff consumed life today but it was good....apparently I have a lead foot as well and made my staff team sick driving around with me today. I think it was more I was in a hurry. My hope is that today was the exception and generally my driving is not throw-up worthy. Whatever. Anyhow, not too much to say except that Michelle Beckman got in today which was gift enough in and of itself however, she also brought a package with her from some of my favorite people back home and that UTTERLY made my day! I AM LOVED! I AM MISSED! So reaffirming:) Anyhow, staying soooo busy here! Being a staff is way crazier than I expected! Thank goodness I got to sleep in today. That was awesome! The out-of-controlnesss is only getting started too! These next few weeks are going to be awesome!

Favorite things here so far:

1-my small group and any time that I spend with them!
2-seeing Jesus work like crazy in our team and in individuals
3-sharing my faith with random strangers in Boulder
4-that everywhere I turn on campus I meet new people with similiar hearts as me:)
5-broomball (even though my legs are purpled with bruises from falling and getting hit with sticks)
6- energy from the youthful junior high students I've been hanging out with:)
7- confession
8- mountains
9- cafeteria food! I'm not even kidding. I might be the only one but the options and the softserve icecream machine are great!
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