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lots_of_olives November 22 2008, 23:55:01 UTC
It wasn't long before Pepper was tapping on his door, then letting herself in and giving a brisk, "Hello, Jarvis," as she passed through security.

"There you are," she sighed, relief dawning on her features when she spotted him.


not_ironmaiden November 22 2008, 23:57:29 UTC
Tony was picking up couch cushions and inspecting them carefully before even acknowledging her. "Oh. Hi, Pepper."

He was a man on a mission.


lots_of_olives November 23 2008, 00:00:48 UTC
"'Oh, hi Pepper'?" she repeated. "That's it? Are you hurt?"


not_ironmaiden November 23 2008, 00:06:02 UTC
"I'm fine, it's just a mild concussion." He looked around for something to write on. "I was dealing with getting the suit back here without drawing attention."

For a change.


lots_of_olives November 23 2008, 00:09:41 UTC
"First of all, a concussion isn't something easy that we can just ignore," she replied, eyes widening. "Secondly, you couldn't have called before now? Where's Tyler?"


not_ironmaiden November 23 2008, 00:11:55 UTC
"He's at home as far as I know," Tony replied, scrambling now to grab a magazine and pen to start writing something down.

The building is bugged.


lots_of_olives November 23 2008, 00:17:09 UTC
Pepper's eyes went wide, and she pulled out her own pen (of course she had a pen) to scrawl a neat We need to go?

"Well," she kept going, even louder after a slight stutter in her speech, "you need to get that concussion looked at. I can't work for a boss who refuses to take care of himself!"


not_ironmaiden November 23 2008, 00:22:14 UTC
Tony was not going to facepalm. Really.

Working on it

He held it up and gave her a look. "I'll go to the clinic tomorrow. You can even come with if you want."


lots_of_olives November 23 2008, 00:24:19 UTC
"You aren't supposed to sleep on a concussion," she added, writing Was it Ross, or someone else?


not_ironmaiden November 23 2008, 00:27:28 UTC
Not sure yet.

"I can assure you I didn't sleep the evening I got it," Tony said, trying to be as appeasing as possible. "Tyler can attest to that."

Which probably sounded dirtier than it was.

After a moment he wrote and underlined something down. Look into SHIELD for me?


lots_of_olives November 23 2008, 00:30:13 UTC
She nodded, pulling out her Blackberry to start that already. "You know, I think I'll refrain from asking him," she said dryly.


not_ironmaiden November 23 2008, 00:32:15 UTC
"Like I was any shape for that," Tony replied. "But now everyone is back where they should be and we're back to normal.

He added one quick note.

We'll talk once I've gotten rid of them.


lots_of_olives November 23 2008, 00:35:04 UTC
She nodded briskly, adding a quick Anything I can do?

"Even if you have a concussion."


not_ironmaiden November 23 2008, 00:36:50 UTC
"It was the least of my concerns with Banner," Tony said, shaking his head. "Did you see the headlines?"


lots_of_olives November 23 2008, 00:40:15 UTC
"I've been tracking them," she said, nodding. "I'm surprised you've seen them.


not_ironmaiden November 23 2008, 00:42:10 UTC
"The name was brought to my attention." Right about now he really wished Steve was around to ask about all this.


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