Jul 06, 2006 14:46
Well, after sleeping another 15 hours straight, i awoke to decide that I'm not going to go to class today. I didnt feel like being caught outside in a storm, nevermind the fact its currently raining, apparently has been all morning, and i dont own an umbrella. But I do have to go on tuesday because i'll be missing next thursday as well. I'm really hoping that going home for a few days will clear my mind and get me going again and help me get out of this rut. I feel so stagnant. I havent even cared about going to the gym since monday. I couldn't on tuesday, I was too upset after getting ditched on wednesday and I had no energy today. Speaking of no energy, I'm highly tempted to curl up on the couch and watch tv the rest of the afternoon. Maybe the boys have a movie I could borrow. Then at 5, I'm on duty and cant do anything but be stuck in my room, so that will make the extent of my time outside today about 2 minutes while i decided whether or not i felt like walking in the rain for 30 minutes or not.
i want my car fixed a lot.
but in all actuality...i'd like me to be fixed a little more.
wasting away, ever so slowly,
"and i knew that you were a truth i would rather lose, than to never have lain beside at all"