I continue to have feelings about DQB2, because GOD DAMMIT MOONMOON

May 05, 2020 23:00

Child of update: I'm glad that my character is apparently the bi icon of this world, where all of the women are like "I want to team up with you and fight monsters, and also admire how dashing and beautiful you are!" and all of the men are like "... Shit, guess we can't compete with that."

Of all the ways that I've had a piece of media go "Hi, we're gonna tap on the fourth wall now, brace yourself," a furry egg in a hood going "None of this is real, seriously, there were talking trees and pubs made of solid gold, of course none of this is real" is the one I maybe expected least. On the plus side, I DID correctly read the cues that Warrick was the traitor! And I choose to believe that my characters lack of double-take when this was revealed means that she knew it too!

But yeah, I'm having an interesting experience with this section of the game, where every time I'm asked to do something my OOC reponse is "Okay but will this get Malroth out of jail?" and sometimes! The stars align! And my character actually gets to ask it as well! ... But seriously I am experiencing this weird disconnect between my impatience to get MY FRIEND OUT OF JAIL and how little the NPCs seem to care that they stuck my friend in jail for no reason!

... Omg I typed that and the next dialogue was "Why do you wear such an aggrieved expression? ... What? You care not for slaying Atlas, you only wish to see your friend freed?" so THE GAME GETS ME. But yes, I'm glad that the game went "I know that you just won and have to go to the celebration party, but we understand that you're upset about how your bff just said he hates you and never wants to speak to you again. We respect that." ... And now I'm just really sad because I love my sealed evil in a can and now he either hates my character or doesn't feel up to dealing with the fallout of everything and no! He was so good at using his words! And now he's spent an entire boat ride ignoring everyone. ;______;

fandom: dragon quest, fandom: dragon quest builders 2

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