I am not kidding about the stickers

Apr 08, 2020 23:10

HELLO darlings, how are you all doing! ... Okay, that came off a little more manic than intended but I'm just gonna roll with it. I'm okay, I have FINALLY got more of my ADHD meds, and I'm gonna start taking them again from tomorrow. I think this being simultaneously very boring and very exciting is about the right mood for stimulant medication. (There was a bit of a saga involving a two-week wait for the prescription to arrive, deep clean hours still counting as open hours on the Boots website, an accidental three hour nap, and my inability to do basic maths meaning I thought I only had twenty-three days of meds, not twenty-eight.).

I didn't manage to get my to-do list sorted, but I think that's the job for this evening, maybe, while I have access to my desk? I'm feeling a bit squishy in my feelings because I want to do lots of things but I'm starting to feel like I don't remember how to, so today might be a day for writing lists and doing mindless busywork like fixing my dreamwidth tags. ... Seriously, the first rule of admin, ADHD, and librarianship is that your filing system is only as good as your ability to use it, and somehow I keep forgetting that.

Anyway, I am fine, I am about to go wild with stickers and pens as a sort of pre-doing something, and then tomorrow I can try... Doing stuff. Even if it's just "Download all of my ebooks onto my ereader." I hope you're all safe, I hope you're all okay, lots of love to all of you. <3

(PS: The new ADHD tag is because I was reminded of the "You've got ghosts in your blood, you should do cocaine about it" tumblr post. I'm a professional.)

rl: panic! at the pandemic, rl: ghosts in your brain do meth about i

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