Today was a pretty good day!

Jan 11, 2020 23:37

- Got woken up before I was ready to be awake because we needed to take our old bed and mattress to the tip.
+ No longer have a busted matress in our bedroom and dods of wood in our front yard!
- Discovered that the tip explicitly bans just walking in their with boxes of crap, which has rather scuppered my plans for how I'm gonna deal with the junk I clear out of the storage unit.
+ Had a reading and brunch date with Lex! Got to eat and snuggle and read our own books!
+ Read two and a half graphic novels before my Kindle died, which isn't bad considering it started on 15% battery.
- Accidentally fell asleep on Lex while trying to do sensible things.
+ Did get to snuggle up to Lex for half an hour while I was sleeping?
+ Wrote like four and two half reviews this afternoon/evening! Not particularly long, not particularly detailed, but still better than nothing.
+ Played Colt Express because
madebyjenni bought a new expansion for it!
- ... The rules were in French.
+ Once Boardgame Geek gave us the translated rules, INFINITELY easier to play. The Marshall is a character now instead of just a course hazard! He can send people to Train Jail!
- Got sent to Train Jail in the last turn of the game.
- Spent all day being incredibly sleepy.
+ About to go to bed and promise death to anyone who wakes me before I'm ready.So yeah, pretty decent day. Still need to do a little bit more tomorrow, but I'm eleven days into the year and I've finished twenty-three books, so if nothing else this month I've done well there.

hobbies: cardgames go here, rl: sheriff joke here, rl: spousal unit

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