on the gaming front....

Aug 29, 2007 12:56

My cousin got a Wii for his birthday, and I went over the other day to basically play games most of the afternoon. I managed to convince him to buy Far Cry Vengeance, and that's basically what we played the whole time. It's frickin' awesome. Once I got the hang of using the Wii controller nunchuck thingies, it was all good. It multiplayer, you can play the 'Predator' game, where the first to kill the other player becomes the predator. You can't use any weapons, but you're uber fast and deadly. It's so cool. I loved playing as the predator. And the closer you get to your victim, the more you hear/feel their heart beating.
I pwned my cousin it just about every game we played, but when he got the hang of it more he managed to beat me a few times. It was fun stuff. And in some of the places there were P90s!! :D hehe. I was very amused.
Oh! And if you don't have grenades, you throw rocks. I was just way too amused that I got to throw rocks and kept doing it. You can even throw rocks in predator mode. It's fun. XP hehe.


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