Past due for a picture post! :D

Aug 28, 2007 20:50

My bike gear came in the mail today, so I hadta put it all on and take a picture. XP Got a pic of my pit bike in there too. :)

And then I finally uploaded old-ish pictures of the doggies. :)

My dog Chance (beagle) and my sister's dog Bella when she was some odd weeks old.

Chance and little Bella.

Puppies trying to sleep.

Chance being annoyed as I keep taking pictures when he's trying to sleep. :P

Chance and Bella (a few months old now) enjoying a car ride.

Chance: Go away! and Bella: Ooh, what's that?!

Chance: This is my bed. Go away.

Chance: It was the sheep's idea!

'Tis it for now. :) My sister's dog is actually bigger than Chance now, and she was only supposed to be like 10 pounds. XP lol.

animals: dogs

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