back to school, back to school...

Sep 05, 2010 11:37

My classes start again THIS THURSDAY!!! AHHH!!! >_<; I only have 3 so that I can still work. Monday, Thursday, and Saturday morning (UGH). I'm really nervous about this year because now I'm actually taking classes I NEED to take (for when I eventually transfer over to RIC for a Bachelor's program) instead of just taking classes I WANT to take and earning credits.

Still working 9-4:30 at the State House Tues, Wed, and Thurs, and Fri & Sat at the restaurant. Oy. Which means Thurs right after working I go to class, and Saturday morning right after class I go to work. Ohboy. And all my classes are 2.5 hrs. D'oh. I need to make sure I make time to study (and actually do it!), but I'm really bad at that and would usually go to the school library and do homework between classes. But now I have no space between classes 'cuz I only have one class per that's not gonna work. And I know I won't just sit in the library and do work after class if I don't HAVE TO.


life: school, life: update, life: work

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