
Apr 20, 2010 07:01

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 07:54 Off to class. #
  • 12:29 - Chillin' in the car waiting 4 @ptmjr24 to get outta class. #
  • 16:06 I need a nap. Gym class in 2.5 hrs. uuuurrrrrrrrggggggggggg. #
  • 16:54 Need to get up and get moving before gym class, otherwise I'm gonna be a total slug. #
  • 18:30 Stupid kid w/his iPod on obnoxiously loud is stupid. #inthegym #
  • 20:40 Leaving class. #
  • 23:50 Falling asleep. zzZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......... #
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