
Apr 19, 2010 07:00

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 10:23 Neeeeeeeeeeeeed coffee. #
  • 10:47 #AcrossTheUniverse is on FX right now. This movie is weird. x_0; #
  • 11:14 Crap. I gotta go to work in like less than an hour. :( Ruin my day why don'tcha? #
  • 12:28 Off to work. #
  • 17:35 Sooooo tired and bored. Doing nothing. Then again, I'd rather be bored than busy #atwork. I just want this night to go fast. #
  • 19:00 I want a naaaaaaap. And cuddles with the little monster. :) #
  • 20:38 going home. woooooot. #
  • 21:24 Being home + knowing I don't hafta work ANYWHERE for the next 3 days = awesome. :) #
  • 23:42 Going to bed. 'Night. #
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