Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.
- 07:50 Feck. Such a nice day yesterday, and now it's SNOWING. ugh. #
- 07:54 Crap. Gotta go. #
- 15:36 Busy day today. Lots of camera work. Going on again in maybe an hour. Late day. #interning #
- 19:55 Just finished supper. Got home from interning 1 hr ago. Long day. #
- 19:55 Got a paper to write now. Due tomorrow morning. Eep. x_0; #
- 22:13 Finished paper, went 2 print. No colored ink. Won't print w/ just black 4 some reason. WTF?! Rushed 2 Target. They didn't have my ink. #FML #
- 22:13 Saved paper on USB drive. Hopefully I can print in school library before class tomorrow. x_0; Oy. #
- 22:27 Ooh. Good news about interning. The boss was talking to HIS boss today about getting me a paid part-time job there! YES!!! *crosses fingers* #
- 23:15 Tired. Time to crash soon. #
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