
Feb 22, 2010 07:00

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 08:59 Ugh. Stupid National Grid calling woke me up an hour ago. Grr. #
  • 09:06 *tackles @LilFerret* Where have you been?? :P #
  • 10:45 Because it's Sunday... ♫ #
  • 12:05 Bear Grylls sure likes to pee on things. lol. #manvswild #
  • 12:06 Crud. Gotta get to work soon. #
  • 13:59 #atwork Just finished prep. Hoping it's not too busy and the day goes fast. *crosses fingers* #
  • 14:05 - Turkey wrap and chips. NOM. :) #
  • 15:33 They should totally put cameras in the hockey players helmets. #olympics #
  • 17:28 Feck. Customers. #work #
  • 18:42 Uuurg. Customers GO. AWAY. kthnx. No love. -me #
  • 18:46 Bruschetta + pizza margarita are like THE SAME THING. Why would u order both?! #annoyedatwork #
  • 20:51 hooooome. yay #
  • 21:22 Watching #UndercoverBoss. :) #
  • 21:43 I think I missed the US v. Canada hockey game, here. Figure skating or something is on now. x_0; #
  • 21:54 Okay, wait, now they're showing hockey. :) #olympics #
  • 21:57 It's over. Will not spoil for anyone who hasn't seen. #USAvsCanada #olympics #hockey #
  • 22:12 Okay, #Armageddon is on. I frikkin' love this movie. :D #
  • 22:18 "Get off the nuclear warhead." ROFLMAO. #Armageddon #
  • 22:40 Ohnoes. Sad part coming up!!! :( #Armageddon #
  • 22:41 No matter how many times I see this movie... I still tear up. #Armageddon #
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