
Feb 10, 2010 07:00

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 08:20 Feel like shit. Do not wanna go to interning this morning. #
  • 08:56 I look like such a tool in these clothes. Not me at all. #
  • 10:41 I feel like I'm in the principals office. x_0; #
  • 13:33 Soooooo frikkin' bored! #interning #
  • 17:49 Yes, I'm home! #
  • 18:48 Don't hafta go to the city for interning 2moro. :) Yay. We're s'posed to get a really bad snow storm and they told me not to go in. :) #
  • 18:54 Just remembered, new #NCIS tonight! :D YAY. #
  • 18:55 Time for dinner. :) #
  • 20:04 #NCIS time! :) #
  • 21:00 Now time for #Lost. :) #
  • 22:11 Off to bed soon. So tired. Probably won't have class tomorrow. Get to sleep in. Yaaaay. *snore* #
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