(no subject)

Dec 24, 2009 08:01

Yesterday's tweets. 140 character updates on my life.

  • 09:49 Awake. Headachey. Took Advil. Drinking coffee. #
  • 09:50 Ooh, 3 Christmas episodes of #JAG on USA this morning, starting at 10! Yay. :D #
  • 09:51 Ahhh! GW is down till 6pm GMT, Dec 23?!?!?! *whines* :( What time is that EST? x_0; d'oh. #
  • 11:50 I feel the need to play in photoshop today.... Hm. We'll see how long that lasts with my attention span, though. Ha! :P #
  • 11:52 Ooh, #BurnNotice comes back Jan. 21st! YAY! :D #
  • 11:54 Awww.... I love Harm and Mac. XD #JAG #
  • 12:59 Aw, this episode gives me the warm fuzzies. :D #JAG #
  • 13:02 Thinking about starting 2 post my monster fic today. Not quite finished, but I've srsly got like a paragraph or 2 to go. :) #SJfanficwriting #
  • 14:09 Crap. I haven't made any cookies yet. Procrastination FTW! #
  • 14:12 Ok, Srsly. Going to make cookies NOW. #
  • 14:53 I think this cookie making is causing me to go nuts...more nuts. I was talking 2 myself n saying "we" instead of "I." lol. #
  • 16:27 Editing first chapter of monster fic for posting....but need to go bake. D'oh. #
  • 23:29 *yawns* Bed soon. Busy day tomorrow. G'night. #
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