(no subject)

Dec 23, 2009 08:01

Yesterday's tweets. 140 character updates on my life.

  • 09:11 Urrrgh.... I'm awake. Sorta. #
  • 09:34 Now that I've finished my secret santa fic, I need to focus my attentions on finishing the monster fic I've been writing for 2 yrs! x_0; #
  • 11:16 At Panera for lunch w/my sis. #
  • 12:27 Home. Gotta make Christmas cookies for mom, now. Ohjoy. #
  • 12:45 Right. Need to go make cookies now. #
  • 13:13 twitpic.com/uo5qt - I just knocked the bag of flour off the table. Christmas cookie fail. lol. #
  • 13:53 twitpic.com/uocdv - First batch of raspberry thumbprint cookies. My Mom's look better. x_0; #
  • 14:34 Okay. Done with cookies for today. Think I did a horrible job. lol. #
  • 15:57 Leavin' for work. #
  • 16:36 If I ever wear a Santa hat, it better be a Nightmare Before Christmas one. :P #
  • 16:42 Worked a little on my big monster fic today. I'm so proud. :P lol. Really wanna finish by the end of this year. #SJfanficwriting #
  • 22:20 Watching #Gonein60Seconds. :) Love this movie. #
  • 23:41 OMG, it's Jacob! In #Gonein60Seconds!!! :D hehe. #SG1onthebrain #
  • 00:03 Bed soon. Mom is making me help with more Christmas cookies 2moro. Wooboy. x_0; #
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