
Mar 27, 2009 22:46

Uh, my mom found out about Murray today. x_0; Yeah, um, she called me at work, screaming and swearing. She flipped the fuck out! >_<; It's all good now, but here's the gist of the convo I had with her via telephone:

Me: Hullo?
Mom: WHAT is in your room?!
Me: Uh... A hermit crab?
Mom: That's no FUCKING hermit crab!!
Me: Um, a snake?
Mom: Get that thing the FUCK out of my house!! *more swearing and yelling* Blah, blah, blah...
Me: *runs to hand phone off to Mom's boyfriend* Quick! Talk to her!

Then like EVERYONE at work could hear her screaming over the phone and she hung up on him. I was freaking out, and then she came in to work, still yelling (though in a more hushed tone), and swearing that I'd better get the snake out of the house.
Let's just say she calmed down after a while and I'm keeping Murray. :D She'll probably never go in my room again, though. heh.

In related news... Murray ate his first mouse-sicle today! I cringed at the thought of feeding him a live animal, even though the breeder guy said he'd been feeding him live mice and suggested doing that a few times before switching to frozen. I decided to pick up some 'Arctic Mice' at PetSmart, and give it a try. I figured, if he wouldn't take it, then I'd have to pick up a feeder mouse. But, after thawing and warming the frozen mouse, a half an hour, and some coaxing with a pair of old salad tongs, Murray struck at the mouse and gobbled it up.
Here's a shoddy vid I whipped up of Murray eating his mousie. :)

animals: murray, animals

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