Snagged from
wanderingsmith and
Post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations. No more than one sentence.
Here's some I rounded up...
and of course they're all SJ. :)
1. When he parked his chair at an empty spot at the table, she didn't quite know what to say.
2. The older man nodded wisely and softly said, "I know she does son. You mean a great deal to her, too."
3. He has a few quirks I’ve come to notice, and during his goofier moments, he reminds me of Colonel O’Neill.
4. Jack climbed up on a boulder with a grunt, then began singing, "Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip, That started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship..."
5. There were missing sounds of crickets and night animals making their noise, the gentle feeling of a cool, evening breeze touching his skin, and a bright, starlit velvet sky overhead.
6. She sobbed into his shoulder, unbelievably grateful that he was alive.
7. "Are you terminally stupid or something?!"
8. He was loose on the base, running around half naked and in the midst of a fullblown hallucination.
9. She allowed a genuine smile to grace her lips and rose a hand to lightly run her fingers through the soft brown strands, then along one side where the hair had begun to grey slightly along his temples.
10. For nearly half an hour he just sat listening to the television, trying to pretend that Sam was off doing work on her computer in the kitchen or her office, where he wouldn't have been able to really hear her anyway.
11. The five-year-old shrugged in her seat, then said, "'Cuz Sam don't make me eat veggies, and she's prettier than you, Jack."