Oct 21, 2005 23:46
My hand is good now. They do not know what it was. I went to go see Dr. Chung because it hurt so badly. I left school with a bit of encouragement from Kadie, Shannon, and Cailah. Shannon and Cailah encouraged me to go to the nurse, not much help from her. She did not know what it was. She just agreed it was poison sumac. That is *really* what it looked like. I had it before! It just was really grose and would not stop draining. I knew that was good for it, but it was grose none the less. Kadie showed up at French wanting to go home because she pulled her pinky nail off. She is such a goon. I finished the French quiz while she said she would wait for me in the nurse's office. Well, I got my stuff and she had been sent back by the nurse. Nursy called mom, even though she said she would let Kadie drive me earlier when she went with me to the nurse's office. OOOOOWWWWW my hand hurts. Stupid unused thing. Mom eventually came, and I went to Dr. Chung. He poked, prodded, and asked some questions. If I have to hear my mom exaggerate or tell more lies about me . . . GAWD. Well . . . he is guessing probably because he has never seen anything quite like my beautiful leaking hand. He said it was Herpes (whatever, like the cold sore kind. He even asked if I bite my nails! I do get canker sores though) and I got an infection, blood poisoning from it. He declared me out of school until Monday, maybe allowed to go back. He perscribed me ammoxicillin and an antiviral medication. TOld me to soak it in some crap too. Well that did not work. The blood poisoning travelled past my wrist and my whole hand was REALLY swollen, as in no longer can see knuckles swollen. We ended up going to the hospital that night because the line was getting dangerous. I am staying with mom because dad would not exactly be a help with the situation. The doctor was a nice guy, but the nurse was a really cute guy. He was extremely quiet. He did not talk much either. Deffinitelly shy. Mom was annoying me the whole time. I felt stupid going to the emergency room. It was not an emergency, just a stupid thing. The doc took a culture of my wonderful pussyness. He gave me an IV, or well the nurse did. I had to come back the next day (or by thise time about 2 the same day) for a second round. He basically said how stupid ammoxicillin was for my blood infection. He marked my hand, and the lines I realized were really wide. Mom commented on it to. He said he would give me steriod and more pills of a stronger thing. I guess normally they give me some derivative of cyclor, my one allergy. Mom had no idea what it would do to me, as it has been years since I had it. They just gave me somethign else. When we went back, Nanny brought me. Nanny is so much easier to deal with than mom. OOO I forgot to mention the casty thing. Extremely annoying, and it did not allow me to moe my wist and my fingers completely. That doctor only came in once, and we got a private room that time. THe first time we were in a room with four beds and two televisions. Gawd I hate tv sometimes. We were the only ones in there, but I could not read my book. With one hand, it gets kind of hard. Anyways, in this room we were alone. Nan and I talked while I got stuff pumped into me. The IV was left in me overnight. I did great with the needle too. I did not whine or anyting. This nurse was a really nice guy. He chatted with us about his dogs. He had a big St. Bernard and his girlfriend had a tiny Jack Russel. He had a Newfoundland, but it was a puppy not getting enough attention and he had to give it up. His loves his dog vehimenty. He even gave us some gauze, tape, and wrappy stuff before we left. Very nice man. They have me now on some antiviral medication for the *maybe* herpes, steroids, and clindamycin in a pill form to fight the infection. Two are in those disgusting gelatin capsules. I am so fucking pissed about that. WHAT THE FUCK?? I do not care if people have trouble swallowign. I fucking do not want to kill animals so that I can live. ARGH> > > > fucking pissed!My hand looks much better and the pussing has stopped. I get to go see Chung Monday. Whatever. OOO I forgot to write what happened after my visit. I went back to the school adn dropped my note off and I warned the office that I may have herpes. I asked them to tell Kayla I would not be able to go to the student council meeting too. I hope they did. They had me warn the nurse incase I do have herpes. I seriously think that Dr. Chung is probably just a nudnick, feaking me and everyone else out for no reason. Mom annoyed me with her reluctance to give Dr. Chung's diagnosis. She kept avoiding it, EVEN WHEN DOCTORS ASKED WHAT HE SAID?!!! How stupid can you be? How immature and pathetic? Yes, my mother for you. SO FUCKING WHAT IF I DO???? Cold sores are herpes, and LOADS (not me :-D) of people get those! She is such a child. I drove and did great and was bored. Driving is boring. My meds are made from animals, taste horrible, make me sick, and annoy me. I hate steroids. I hate taking any medication. I hate putting things in my body. Can I just put it in juice and drink it without the stupid capsules? I wish people were more considerate. What about Hindus? Muslims? If it was a religious thing they would not do it. Stupid Christian selfish people who care only for themselves and their own religion which should SO (NOT) rule the world.