- was forced to pawn my beloved canon powershot for money for christmas gifts last week
- was able to buy back camera yesterday since there is a 2 week hold on shit and they promised me they would hold onto it for me until i could get it back, thank god.
- got attacked by a pitbull
- got rejected more than once in one day, hahaha
- free drugs
- embracing being a free bird again
- sleep pattern is the most fucked up it has ever been in my entire life
- had sex with an ex on christmas day (it felt way too right)
- eerily rekindling a lot from the past
- embracing sobriety for once
- embracing change
- speaking with clint after 7 months of not speaking (i've missed him a lot)
- making joe get lost on our way to ybor because i was too busy defending oprah winfrey
- falling down that damn rabbit hole repeatedly
- making an effort
- having no guilty conscience is a big + !
- remaining numb as a drum
the only things to look forward to are as follows:
1. going back to school!
2. working on my "internal issues"
3. attempt to go ahead and try to build something out of nothing with andrew.....
4. improving on lettings things go, go, go
5. clarity? (L.A. here I come!)
6. good and SAFE sex (that is, when i can remember to do so)
7. getting my wisdom teeth knocked out so i can be in a nice drug coma for a couple days with an excuse
8. finally turning 20 so i can finally be accepted as an actual adult with the "teen" aspect off my age
9. drum lessons! watch your back, meg white : )
10. finding whatever it is i'm searching for because i'm looking in all the wrong, wrong places.