Apr 23, 2007 21:54
Why must the human body have the ability to puke?
Because if we were not capable of purging ourselves of all those toxins, we would probably die.
It's those little moments of bliss when you wake up from an awesome sleep that are just so precious when they're shattered by the realization that that smell is in fact you, and that bucket of vomit beside you - yea, that's yours, too.
Friday was the rally at the Art Gallery.
From Krystal fainting in Starbucks, while Crystal was tripping out something fierce and having panic attacks, to Brandon disappearing, to... ugh. So. Much. Chaos. And somehow, even though I was right fucked, I kept my head about me and managed to get Crystal to a phone to call her mom, although she was rather incoherent and high as a fucking kite and crying just a tad. I don't even know if she got to the right place. I just put her on a bus with Krystal, cause I was stuck downtown, and hoped to god they both got to Braid station. It was quite the ordeal.
Then, still on quite the plateau, I went and got my other nipple done. I'm sure it hurt, but I don't remember.
Marty offered me a job at Adrenaline, to which I almost pissed my little black panties. I know there isn't much difference working retail here, and working retail downtown, except the excrutiating distance, and high turnover rate but - I've loved that shop for ages. They give me discounts sometimes already, but if I worked there, I'd get mad discounts and sweetass clothes. Fuck me. I wish I wasn't so limited by age, and location.
So. Saturday. I had to work. But after work...
The Jaggermonster got me. And his friend Giant 2L of TooMuchToDrink helped. You see, Christoph came through my line at work and threw me one of those, "I'm having people over tonight, you should come" random invites. I weighed my options. My boy was in the depths of New West, I had no way to get a hold of him, everyone else was either dead or out of town, and I was looking for fun. Sam and Alaina were going too, and I was actually pretty stoked. I got there. Jeremie and Scotty were there, too, cause they phoned me at work to see what I was up to. I took 3 shots of Jeiger with Christoph. Took a shot of Captain Mo's from Sam. Then, already buzzed, for I am becoming a weakling, I consumed a 2L bottle of Canadian Cooler. But I had a radass time. I chilled with Christoph's mommy and auntie whome I love to death and then some. I miss that family like fucking crazy. Them's good people. And I don't think I'll ever forget Christoph's mom calling everyone ignorant and fucking stupid, and then offering me cookies and a cup of tea. <3; Dear to me heart, that family be.
The moral of the story is.... I got sloshed.
Jeremie was gonna walk me to the bus, then took note of my inability to really walk at all, and decided to take me the rest of the way home. He held my hair while I promtly vomitted into a bucket beside my bed. Then he went home.
I felt like shit the next day. Not physically, but for sake of guilt. That kid has taken care of my ass so many times it's not even funny. And, sure, if he's on his way to my house I make sure I have a meal waiting for him, or I'll bring him a chocolate bar or sandwich in my purse. If he is sore, I'll give him a neck rub, or do whatever I can. But that's taking care in a different sense. That has nothing to do with, "I'm so drunk I could die. Please hold me while I vomit." Luckily I don't do that that often at all. But when I do... eek.
Jeremie is so normal he makes me feel like a fuckup.
I don't mean that in a negative sense, I don't think. I've just always been the one taking care of someone, or teaching them something about themselves and life, or.... anything like that. But Jeremie is the most logical, down to earth, reasonable, communicative, compliant, agreeable, levelheaded person I have ever met. He is so ridiculously sane that I'm beginning to question my own sanity.
I had a blonde moment the other day in which I couldn't figure out how to assemble my bedside table. He watched me for almost 10 minutes before just gently taking the table from my hands, propping it up the way it was supposed to go, and just putting it down beside me.
I am a useless human being. And that's just fine.