This plot is actually silly, isn't it? If I wanted to watch people going on about logic I would watch old skool Trek, dammit.
Romana is in DANGER and Four has to save her from death. He loves her so much he gave her the last Rolo in the universe. And it wasn't Nestle either. ANYWAY, Four is shot in the head and falls over, but the bomb does not asplode. One of the Movellans said she didn't arm the bomb, probably because she is in love with Romana and didn't want to kill her. So anyway now they have a breeding pair of Time Lords to make kittens with.
The Daleks look a bit grotty but I think that is okay after all they are busy blowing shit up and Davros has been in the fridge for centuries. Davros is like "WTF you have a Supreme Dalek? FUCK OFF."
Four wakes up and yells "ROBOTS!" and touches Romana some. Sci-fi hates logic, logic is eeeevil. Dude, like the Daleks aren't emotional little bitches. Four and Romana play rock-scissors-paper which is in no way adorable. And here I always thought that was a game of chance not logic. Anyway it proves that logic is crap. And possibly evil. The Movellans decide to get Four to reprogramme stuff so that they win. This is what Davros is doing also, so the sexbots are going to blow him up with their bomb.
If I build a race of robots to take over the world I will not put their batteries on the outside. Design fail! Anyway if you rewire the battery a bit they will work for you.
People go on now about the Dalek suicide bombers, but really they would, wouldn't they? The individual Dalek is worth less than victory.
Four and Romana fake an argument and Tyssan and the former slaves storm the Movellan ship. Four goes off to the Daleks and Romana will make the ship go so Tyssan and friends can get home. Davros goes on about impotent fleets and seems really turned on by the whole idea. Davros explains his plan, the fool. Romana realises there is a sexbot missing and runs to find the bomb.
The Daleks go very slowly towards the Movellan ship. No wonder they haven't taken over the universe yet.
The half-broken sexbot commander heads to the bomb and the slaves fight the Daleks by which I mean get horribly killed by them.
Fight! Romana gets into it with Commander Sexbot, grabbing his crotch as she does so. She kicks his arm off and unbatteries him and then has the bomb. Yay, Romana!
Four hides behind a Dalek that can't see cos his hat is on its wee eye. It fires at random and then Four pushes it away and it decides to explode for some reason. Then he gets Davros to press the button. DALEKS ASPLODE!
Logic is slagged off some more and Davros is imprisoned. They freeze him for later. Then the Doctor and Romana piss off and the Movellan ship leaves. Plot is over!
Then they have to chuck huge rocks about to dig the TARDIS out. I wonder if the "do something illogical" plan would in any way have worked. Romana says this is why the Doctor always wins, cos he always fucks up. Then they go off to have post-regeneration sex. IN TIME AND SPACE.
I still love Mary more than Lalla but next is THE BEST THING EVER so that may well change. ANYWAY this is much better than Genesis in that it is any fun and it has Romana in it. Also it is not eleventy-nine episodes long and Tom is drunk in it. Probably.