Another parental visit. Bracketing it with fun and a different parental duty: helping ensconce Jocelyn in her dorm.
The fun is hanging out with friends in SF Saturday and a small square dance event on Sunday. Stupidly I'm flying to Sacramento because it would cost an extra $400 for the one way rental to drop off in Sacramento. However it turns out to only take 1:45 to drive to SF, so not too horrible. Though it will be a little late for me, since my flight doesn't land until 7:30. I'll just mainline penguin caffeine mints.
Jocelyn flies to Sacramento Wednesday, because I am sure she doesn't want to hang with grandparents longer than one day... We fly to Portland early Friday morning and run around like crazy getting her stuff from storage at a friend's house, getting her checked in, moved in, and going to stores for things she forgot or intentionally left behind (like big bottles of shampoo).
Anyway, hoping all is boring with my parents...
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