
Jun 05, 2020 22:09

Jocelyn had her zoom graduation followed by driving in to Boston to pick up the diploma and stray belongings including pottery. The zoom thing was decently executed, a few bobbles when speakers were muted by mistake and the like.

Perry has decided to skip graduation. His school decided to do an "in-person-in-your-car" thing with a car parade from the train station parking lot (biggest staging area in town) to the school parking lot, and he was underwhelmed by the whole thing. So we'll make arrangements to pick up his diploma later.

Lots of beautiful pots. She hopes that there will be a ceramics studio in her college life. She says she was making really good progress in lidded pots right when the closure happened.

She also made one last pandemic "ceramics" work a couple weeks ago, this of papier-mâché. I think it turned out pretty well.

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