getting started ::

Oct 19, 2008 15:51

So you've been accepted! Congratulations! Wondering what to do next?

1. Reply to the acceptance comment with the journal your character will be using. This helps us to know which users we should accept into the communities, and which are just weirdos that we should ignore.

2. Join citywithnosky, nosky_logs, nosky_ooc with your character journal. We'll try and get you accepted into the communities as soon as possible.

3. Add everyone on the add list!

4. Post all or part of your application on your character's journal. You can divide this up any way you want, but the important thing is that your journal will fill other players in on things that they need to know about your character. Also, be sure to create a general inquiries post for concrit, permissions, that sort of thing. Again, you can format this any way you want, whether you want separate entries for concrit, permissions and general questions or if you want them all in one, it doesn't matter, you just need to have something!

5. Introduce yourself in the OOC comm! If this is your first character, be sure to put some sort of contact info in this post and all characters need to have their mun's contact info in their profile.

6. Have fun!

mod, getting started

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