18 hours and a part time job is always a bad idea.... So next semester, I'm going to try 16 hours and 3 part-time jobs. ;)
Morehead isn't that far away.
Boys don't always know what they want.... And, neither do girls. I have no patience.
Jackson is exactly what I needed.
I like my music on shuffle the best.
Go Big or Go Home.
My heart gets bigger as I grow older.
I love giving presents. More than anything.
I want my Godbabies to be good people more than I want anything else. They are my saving grace.
Sometimes, you just have to make the decision. Big or Small: Should she be on life-support or What to wear. Decisions just have to be made.
I hate immaturity and dishonesty and getting played.
I don't like to play mind games; But am very good at them.
I am a fixer. I fix people's problems. And, I love it.
There is something in me that makes me be a good person and friend. Even if I know you have screwed me over; Especially then. I like being the bigger person.
Driving helps me to think.
I am the girl that you take home to Mom.
I am not the person I was in high school.... And, I'm okay with that.
Naps are better when you don't have to wake up and do something.
I am still kind of a holding hands whore. Holding hands and forehead kisses are my favorite.
It kills me when my guy friends are treated like shit.
I have more opinions now and I'm more willing to tell you. But, I don't expect you to agree or even understand.