Nov 20, 2006 13:52
Duffy's last Wednesday might've been the most fun I've had in a while. We got there a little before 10 and I had to talk my way through. He's like it's 21 and up. I'm like before or after 10? He said all night. I said no, before. He asks if I'm here for dinner. I said yes. Swear to God? (Of course I've never sworn to a lie.) So all I said was my friends already have a table. He gave me an 'I don't believe you' look and let me in. (The week before that I got denied and just went to the side and jumped the little fence with Jenna. No matter how, I always find a way.) Anyways we went in and strangely enough, Maria and her friends actually did have a table. One of the guys was really 21 so he just gave me his wristband and I was good to go all night.
I planned on only staying till 12 because I had class the next morning, so a Sex on the Beach was the only thing I had in my future. Since I didn't want beer, I sat out the first couple games of Beer Pong while Steph and Ash ran it. Then I gave in. Drinking beer is a sacrifice I often have to make if I want to play and to be honest, it didn't taste half bad that night, I was pretty excited about that. So yeah, I went in and showed them who's boss. My random partner was so amazed (yes I'm amazing) he kept asking what I want to drink and I kept saying don't worry about it (I wasn't trying to get drunk tonight) so between games he surprises me with a "Duffy's College Night" tank top. Random, I know. I earned it. Stayed till 2 for some very-needed BP.
Eddie finally showed up at some point in the night as did Manny and Nick. Random people were Brian, Jason, Joe, Colleen, and Caro (yes she's random because we never see each other out anymore.) I've rubbed off on Stephanie too much and she admits it proudly. Only I don't think it's very funny when she overdoes it like she did that night.
The weekend before that was my 4 nights in a row which I never ever do anymore. Wednesday Duffy's with Jenna and Ty and Steph. Met Caro's new boy toy, nice kid. Thursday Cousin Wowie's with Nick and Manny which I totally love it there. And met the greatest kid Dan. He was all smiley, it was inevitable. That is one funny boy. Friday was Crabby's with Dustin and Steve. Crotta came out of nowhere, I love it when my friends get along. Frank was also there with Ben who I hate. He made some stupid drunk comment in front of a few people, forced me to cause a scene. Shut the fuck up, I would never touch you. I turned to Dustin and the boys and said that's not true (which I wasn't lying). They're like obviously and said I was right to be pissed. I was. Anyways, then Saturday was Draft House with Dustin, Steve, Amy, and Steph. Haha we were on our way there and a car cut us off. Dustin goes, "that fucker." I started laughing like, that's Stephanie! So yup that was another very good night. Steph and I showed 4 boys who's boss on the pool table. Oh yes.
As for last Friday... **LONESTAR** went with my Meggie and her girls Allison and Lindsey. Pre-gamed un pocito. Got there early enough to snatch 5th row seats and even saved a couple right in front of us for Colleen and her new boyfriend. When the security guy turned his head I ran up to the front and only one of them managed to make it up with me before the guy looked back. So there Allison and I were leaning on the stage. Got a couple handshakes from the two main guys, handed him my ticket and got an autograph, another one handed (not threw) me his guitar pick, and Colleen asked me to grab her cell phone so he could sign it (other people were doing that, I considered it myself.) I feel that I somewhat made up for her taking me to Kenny Chesney front row and making possible the memory I now have of him serenading me. OH and SPEAKING of Kenny Chesney...her new boyfriend has a ridiculously strong resemblance and a few stories that stem from the whole look-alike thing. I found out that when I was in Tampa for the show, so was he. And he was the one causing all the commotion and cop problems. AND most importantly, while everyone said Kenny was at The Bull, and I couldn't go and was very upset, it wasn't Kenny. It was Colleen's boyfriend John. What an unexpected relief!
Dad and I sang "Unforgettable" last night on karaoke. It was fun :-)
I nearly had a heart attack just now when I walked into the ladies room and the faucet was in the 'on' position. Full blast. No one in the room. Water going down the drain for not the smallest reason. That shit destroys me.
Now I have a 7-page paper on Armenia to get back to. Kill me now.
Speaking of killing yourself, a couple kids Overdosed in the FAU dorms this weekend. Not to be heartless, but come on.