For the lulz.
I-i got Sealand? *didn't expect that* o-o
Rhiannon got Hong Kong XDXD
Hetalia Quiz one :'D Hetalia Quiz twoFor the second one I got Russia O_o *wasn't trying to go for him in particular or anything;;;; *FEAR*
Rhiannon got Spain |D
Digimon Quiz. Best. English. EVER!What are your grades in school?
also, I got Guilmon OwO Wanan was Terriermon.
Mythical CreaturesWanan was a Pegasus btw :3
I don't know either.
Wanan was the schoolgirl shoe? O-o
Some weird anime shoe quiz O_O Okay, that's enough of that stupidity :'D Time for sleep (er in about 45 minutes maybe;;)