Happy Birthday you Big Red Dog.

Dec 28, 2017 08:54

Razor birthday check in:

Last year’s birthday for Razor was a big one for me. I’d never had a dog live to see 10, but he did it! And now, 11. That’s my boy. His Dad lived to be 14-ish, so it’s not like this is a surprise. But never having HAD an elderly dog, it’s a very new experience for me.

I’m glad I had Blaze to blaze the trail a bit. She was such a WONDERFUL old dog and really everything about her aging process was sort of magical. I’m not expecting this from the Raze, but I do believe his process will teach me just as much, and mean even more.

Razor was truly the first dog I’ve ever had that is 100% mine. Sure, he loves others. He’s a HUGE Tammy fan and gets hella excited when Heidi is around. He also would drop me in a hot second for Alice. Boy, that dog LOVES his kid! But Razor has been my dog from the moment he stepped off the plane.

I named him, trained him, fed him, went through hell (mine, not his) w/ him and basically inserted myself into his every moment. We’ve had some wonderful adventures. And I will, with both regret and longing, remember fondly the year we spent together just the TWO of us, between Ruben and Rumble. That was a very, very special year.

In any case, he’s 11 tomorrow. And that’s by FAR the oldest dog I’ve ever had. He’s as DEAF as a post! Sometimes it’s adorable and a bit sad, and other times its hella annoying. We’ve come a long way with ‘sign language’ and other forms of communication. I see him looking at me very strongly right in the eye often now. I’m sure he’s reading my lips (he’s a genius that way… ahahaha) and also catching movement out of the corner of his eyes.

(Bahaha,. this is still one of my most favorite pics of him)
Physically he’s doing really well. He still runs flat out faster than even Rumble can go for the first BURST out the door. After that, he slows up a lot. His feet hurt him sometimes, but not too often. I think running on soft muddy ground helps that a lot. He LOVES his squeaky balls and running around on the turf in the barn. He still loves any and all food.

The other day I had him in my room while we were out of the house and when we came home all the dogs were making a fuss (barking!!!!) and I didn’t hear him bark at all. CRAP! I worried he was gone! But he was actually just lying on the bed, looking out the window and I think being quiet so he could try to hear what was going on in the house. He didn’t hear the door open or me walking up to pat him on the rear. It startled him  --  big time. He gets startled a lot lately… which makes me sad. But, he was happy to see me, and barked up a storm once he knew what was going on.

God I love this dog. Just love him. Happy Birthday Raze. We’ll get you a nice treat this weekend and spend some extra time cuddling (which he’ll hate…)

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