(pod)cast a hook in me

Apr 05, 2009 15:02

I come here looking for recommendations (not to read; my pull list is ace and my bookshelf is great), but for what to listen to.

Since it's Sunday morning, I've been doing the ironing and listening to the IGN Comics Smash! Podcast #37. Since they've got out of the habit of talking about movie and TV stuff at the beginning (I don't want to hear about Lost in a comics podcast) they've become a much better listen. They were always good, but now they're better (even though one of their contributors sounds like he's trapped in a well)

It's usually a rundown of the three or so big books of the week (this week its Secret Warriors #3, War of King #2 and Flash Rebirth #1) and now they're doing Q&A afterwards. You can send your questions in as well, which I might do for the next one, but they're pretty inundated.

I've listened to the DC Comics podcasts on Minx and the BKV interview that they did. There's also a pretty spiffy Jeff Parker podcast for Age of the Sentry, which I pimped on the old community.

The point is, which other places do podcasts that are worth listening to? I've listened/watched some of Atop the Fourth Wall, but I can't stand the guy's voice at all.

looking for..., podcasts

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