Ms. Marvel #36

Mar 01, 2009 08:03

I was going to post this with scans on Sunday, but, you know.

Reading through Ms. Marvel #36 this week, one two things struck me, an they were both at the end of the book, so spoilers ahoy

First off - Catherine Donovan's pretty cool. I like when they redo pages from earlier books if it gives us something more, and this issue tied quite neatly into the Months later bit at the end of Secret Invasion. Did she remind anybody else of Joan from Mad Men? (just in terms of looks and style, and not in terms of energy blasts, crippling pain and fighting at parties).

Secondly - the last page. Are we meant to think that Michael Rossi was feeding Ghazi information as his Vitamin agent, and that Rossi is on Ghazi's side? If so, do you think that this will be a case of "Yes, I was working with Ghazi" or "Yes, I was feeding Ghazi information so that I could take him down." Ghazi doesn't sound dumb enough for the second one.

Or, maybe that isn't Michael Rossi. Maybe Michael Rossi is William Wagner!

ms. marvel/carol danvers, marvel comics, reviews, spoilers

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