Here be photos of my Pomeranian Fozzy in his Halloween costume (I am…early) and Molly the Chihuahua in her BAMF! dress.
There! I think that was very satisfying to all involved.
I'm starting to crate the doggies, as they've been running loose during the day and pooping on every available surface. I've also enrolled Fozzy in obedience classes because he is far smarter than me, and uses it against me. Furry little bastard. My only form of revenge? Ridiculous Halloween costumes. (Which he then proceeds to eat).
Life continues apace down here in the Deep South. I'm dating an optometrist; we tend to talk shop a lot, and he's a very nice guy. I'm spending too much money, not writing nearly as much as I should, and I'm very much looking forward to the holidays. So, um, there's an update for you folks? (Sorry,
meresy, I tried).
How's everyone out there in LJ land? Excited about the
helpsomalia auction? (Remember, you can bid on a Nos-penned fanfic and/or a Nos-narrated podfic
here and
here. It's for charity, kids!).