Favourite Fannish Moments

Dec 01, 2008 23:27

zabira has asked that people post their Top 5 Favourite Fannish Moments in their journals (or in a comment response to her original post) and, well, who am I to refuse the Z? I do have to risk her wrath, however, because I couldn't stop at five. So, here are my

My Top 10 Moments in Fandom

10. Making the fateful decision to indulge my curiosity about what became of a favourite childhood TV show by clicking on aingeal8c's crack_van rec link for Manna La Driot's F/V story The Fan. I burned through all of Manna's stories in three days and then spent a whole day worrying that I'd never be able to find any more dS fic. Little did I know...

9. llassah's beta of my very first dS story. We were both such babies! I'd beta'd one of her stories at the same time (this was back in the fall of '06) and I remember having a discussion with her about whether it would be okay to call Kowalski "Stanley." We decided that it wouldn't be a problem, and it proved to be a fatal newbie mistake. As hardened old fandom veterans we know better by now, of course, but I can't help but think about that whole experience and marvel at how much we had to learn about the conventions of this fandom.

8. Working as ignazwisdom's beta on her epic House fic A Modest Proposal. It is still, by far, the best beta experience I've ever had. I learned how to beta from Iggy, who was a gracious and very patient author, and didn't mind that I knew next to nothing about House. (I think I asked her at one point, "So, House is the cranky guy, right?"). Tie for this spot: when Iggy came to visit for a week in the summer of '07. I ♥ her mightily.

7. A group of 80 fangirls spontaneously breaking into Stan Rogers' "Barrets Privateers" during the slight technical snafu at the muskratjamboree vid show. EVERYONE knew all of the words. Likewise, when omphale23 said, "Thank you kindly" to the crazy sandwich guy in Boston, and all the fangirls in the restaurant giggled.

6. Meeting CKR. And Bruce. And being thisclose to Hugh on the Flashpoint set. And seeing Paul at the Passchendaele premiere. All very exciting times!

5. Meeting zabira in VICTORIA, BC. And when secretlybronte showed up at con_txt. I don't think I've told either of you how much it meant to me to see you there.

4. bitchinparty. All of it, really. The airport odyssey with meresy, lunching with brynnmck and sdwolfpup (♥!), the Benton Fraser panel, meeting qe2 for the first time, hanging out with dessert_first, talking story, character and porn with arrow00, seeing j_s_cavalcante again, and meeting troyswann for the first time in years (and under very different circumstances!). Um, did I say "all of it"? I was really, really sad to leave Seattle

3. can_con2008, because 22 fangirls braved international customs, August heat, my dubious subway navigational skills, and possibly running into David Marciano or Cinder the Wonder Dog (ficuses aside) to come hang out for a weekend in Toronto. Tie: seeing HCL on a big screen with a huge crowd of Hugh and Callum fans. Although I STILL can't figure out why we didn't clean up at the "trivia" contest.

2. Doing the laptop/couch thing with meresy on a number of excellent occasions, and stalking Bruce McDonald around various cinema venues in Toronto. Even seeing Silk at TIFF was bearable because of her presence (and that of scriggle and primroseburrows, too). I ♥ you, Meres!

1. Picking my top moment in this fandom is impossible. I've met so many great friends, and had too many odd and wonderful times in this fandom to pick a #1 spot. So...pretty much everything that has happened since I first clicked aingeal8c's link back in the summer of 2006, I guess.

I love this fandom so, so much.
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