Look! I'm Being Productive!

Feb 01, 2008 08:52

Ye Olde Institute Of Higher Learning closed today thanks to a wicked snowstorm, and so I've got a day off! \o/ I decided to put the extra free time to good use and finish up my ds_workshop post about the RCMP, and I'd like to get a second opinion on it to make sure I've hit most of the pertinent points and, uh, spelled everything correctly.

Is anyone willing to beta the workshop post? It's just under 2,000 words and is, hopefully, entertaining and informative and not wildly inaccurate.

That aside, I've got more work to do on the con panel schedule, and there may be one or two fics that need some polishing. The lovely j_s_cavalcante sent me the Duet fanzines, too, and so I've got some reading ahead of me that doesn't involve staring at a screen. Thank you so much, JS! Both collections are great, and there are a number of new stories in there I hadn't read before. I am a happy, if busy, fangirl.

consulting the experts, beta booty call

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