In which my body rebels and I talk about robots and podfic.

Oct 19, 2007 00:29

Guys! Friday is tomorrow, which means that in less than twenty-four hours I'll be in Toronto with meresy, my boy scarfe and my pal Sarah watching Cinematheque Ontario's presentation of The Tracey Fragments! And then meresy is all mine for a brief evening before an encore on Tuesday when we're watching Hard Core Logo/Dance Me Outside and Picture Claire/Claire's Hat on Wednesday. In anticipation of a Fangirl Visit of Awesome I have a) cleaned the whole apartment b) did massive amounts of laundry and c) hit up Wal-Mart and bought a new bathroom set, pillows, a futuristic shopping buggy* and massive amount of snack food to sustain the fangirl squee. Unfortunately I kinda fucked up my back while accomplishing a, b and c, so now I am floating on a codeine-enhanced cloud of contentment and satisfaction with a day productively spent. I'm also wincing a lot.

Thanks to the pain meds I've somehow convinced myself that you would like to see pictures of my new bathroom decor.

Why yes, I do have the smallest bathroom in the world! ignazwisdom, primroseburrows and omphale23 can all attest to its teeniness, and the creepy fact that the door won't shut completely while you're inside.

I've decided that ferns are my favourite plant. A floral bouquet of ferns would make me very happy. Do they make those? Would a florist give me a funny look if I asked for one?

As you can see, the new bathroom set got a thumbs-up from that great interplanetary leader, Optimus Prime.

scarfe came home from Wal-Mart (we are doing our part to support big-box retailers and, uh, child labour) with the Optimus helmet and the final Transformer figure he needed to complete his set. The helmet has a voice-modifier that makes my boy sound like a giant robot, and this has led to our cat feeling deeply conflicted and puzzled about what the hell has happened to her owner. I don't really understand the Transformer thing. I spent most of my 1980s childhood playing with Barbie and thus missed the great commercial toy fads of that period. It's odd to see My Little Pony, Rainbow Bright, He-Man and She-Ra newly available for sale when I didn't find them that interesting the first time around.

I spent most of yesterday's weird bout of flu-like nausea (which turned out to be some 24hr bug and not, thank god, morning sickness) watching the the Transformers DVD. The movie is as pointlessly moronic as it was in the theatre but there's something charming about the fanboyish squee that went into the making of the flick. I liked the behind-the-scenes stuff (it turns out $145 million is actually a very sensible pricetag for a film about Robots In Disguise) and I had fun filling in the blanks when the Autobots confessed they'd learned English from the internet. [Insert your own joke about chan and rimming here].

In fannish news, meresy and I will have much to discuss tomorrow and next week. china_shop posted some of our email exchange about the writing process behind her fantabulous RPS AU Above Ground Swimming Pools (f-locked; contact China for access). Writers amongst you, take note: China is the go-to gal for advice about writing long plotty epics. I learned a lot about crafting lengthy stories from her thoughtful and engaging response to my questions, and she's very knowledgeable about the craft in general. So if you're contemplating a long fic, check out that post. china_shop = teh smarts.

secretly_bronte pointed out to me that I've been misspelling the name of ds_match for the last month and a half, and once the blushing subsided (I'm sorry! Spelling is hard!) I shook myself out and resolved to do better as a captain. Getting the name of the challenge right is just the first step. We've got about about four days left until the stories come due and so far all the fics are fabulous. I've finally committed to one idea (not the Brilliant one, jamethiel_bane, but the okay-one) and the writing is going well. I've really loved reading everyone's Seekrit Santa letters, and I know that some really great fics are going to be coming our way over the holidays. I'm very excited about my assignment even though I've come to the conclusion that I don't do well with deadline-imposed challenges. (Even though I may have claimed a prompt from the ds_northernnews challenge, which closes on the 31st. Grrr. Arrrgh.

And the wonderful zabira has done a terrific podfic recording of my fanfic Wings of Desire. cybel created an audiobook version of her reading, complete with snazzy cover of angel!RayK hovering above Chicago. And that is the very definition of Made of Win. *hugs Z and cybel.

Okay, I am going to take my druggy self off to bed. 'Night, all!

podslash, rl fangirl meetups

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