The Evening Snow Will Bring Such Recs, among other things

Aug 11, 2007 14:04

I kinda flaked out on china_shop's Above Ground Swimming Pools Wrap Party. I had promised to write RPS and ask tons of questions and I feel terrible (sorry China!), but I forsook the party in order to write some rentboy AU, and folks....

I broke 40,000 words! *cheers* A lot of the new material will probably be trimmed in editing, but I added 5,000 words yesterday and most of that was sex. So now my story in which Fraser is a prostitute contains actual sex! *cheers again* It feels fantastic to actually be making progress on this story, and I feel like I've got some momentum back.

Other squee-worthy developments:

slidellra has written the most AMAZING story for midsummer2007. And although she wrote it for yours truly, I am not being biased at all when I suggest that it's the best thing she's written, and probably the best 6degrees story I've ever read. The Evening Snow Will Bring Such Peace is an absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking after-movie sequel to For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down.

S's story tracks the ultimate fate of Jerry Bines, CKR's tragic and misunderstood character, and she does it with gorgeous prose, wonderful attention to detail, and a very pure and honest continuation of the themes David Adams Richards explored in the novel that inspired FtWHtWD. This story reads like the very best kind of Canadian literature, which isn't bad considering S is a native Californian transplanted to Texas :-) I really loved this piece, and I hope you'll give it a chance even if you're not familiar with the movie. And then, once you are wowed by slidellra's mad skillz, I hope you'll track down the movie and read the book. Jerry is a fascinating character, and he deserves much more attention in the 6degrees fandom. *nods* Go read!

malnpudl is hosting a very interesting poll over at her LJ: she's asking how a personal love for a particular character (Ray Kowalski, say, or Benton Fraser) influences the way we read and write other characters. It's something I've never really considered too deeply, and I hope you'll go and take Mal's poll and try to help sort out an answer to this difficult question.

vsee has posted a terrific essay about Jill Kennedy in "Letting Go" for sanset's Women Appreciation Challenge, and it's a fabulous essay that has made me reconsider several aspects about this episode. For some reason that eludes even me, Letting Go has long been at the top of my most-hated episode list, right after Starman and Flashback. vsee has shown me the error of my ways, and she breaks down LG into an interesting treatise on gender, rehabilitation, and Fraser's relationship with women. I have new respect for this ep now, and between vsee and kill_claudio's fantastic forthcoming AU based on the episode, I think LG might creep its way into my top 10 episode list. (What? I have lots of lists!)

In conclusion: midsummer2007!

why slidellra rocks so hard, fic recs, 6degrees, rentboy au of doom, due south stuff

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