Why does eating healthy food always make me think I've lost a bet?

Nov 15, 2006 09:51

Okay, so I've been drinking fortified soy beverage with my low-fat, low-cal granola in the morning. I made the switch because milk seems to fuck up my skin royally, and also because I can't taste the difference between soy milk, goat milk and regular cow milk. (That whole no-sense-of-smell thing comes in handy sometimes.) But I am so grossed out by the soy beverage. It turns gray in my ceral! Gray! And yeah, it's chalky and the texture is horrible but since I can't really taste it and it's good for me I've continued to drink it every morning for the last few months. And then today it looked a little...off. Like, chunky. According to the Best Before date it's good til the end of the week, but when I showed it to scarfe he told me it looked like semen. Which I have no problem with, but not when it's on my Harvest Crunch. Ugh.

Does anyone know if clumpy soy beverage means it's gone bad? Our fridge is kept at an astonishingly low temperature and sometimes stuff freezes, so I think it might have just gotten too cold or something. I hope. It doesn't seem to taste/smell any different, so I'm leaving this one up to you, o wise f-list.

And I think I'm going to go back to goat's milk for a while.

Btw, I've been reading Wilby Wonderful fanfic and I am filled with a new love for humanity. Also, mondschein1's Koosh series is the most cracked-out, hilarious thing I've read in the dS fandom. So good reads all around. If only fanfic could help resolve my problem with soy. *shiver*


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