Apr 20, 2004 16:29
well these past few days have been interesting lol....
lets see uhhmm yesterday was a fun day....don't remember all that i did...but me and hugo went to the store to get my mom this huge card for mothers day and i saw haha..her...and she walked us outside and it was sooo windy and yeah...my shirt just happend to pop open lol!!!! you know...since i have huge boobs haha...but yeah, my cleavage was shown haha! ( i won't even begin to tell yall how it happend, only me, hugo, and...she knows ) anywho......went home to work on this research paper and someone knocks on my door.....hmmm my first guess was justin.....but nope..it was the last person i expected......my ex b/f...mando...i haven't heard from him in 3 months cause i poored my heart out to him and he just left me there......and 3 months later he's back? haha i don't think so...he was my first "love" i guess....but then i guess not......and yeah it took me a while to get over him.....and i never thought i would...but what do you know...i did...3 months later i dont want him anymore.....now he wants Me back...why me? ew but yeah...i was like "what r u doing here?" haha so we talked outside for about 10 minutes and he wanted me to go to his house, hahahaha who's he kiddin? well of course i didn't go! but he begged me to go see him i was like "hah sorry dood" thank God i'm soooooooo over him......awww there's someone else tho that really means the world to me and has me wrapped......<3 haha and then me and hugo went to the store to go buy something again.....and i put it in her car and hugo was driving my little buggie haha its so cute! so then we went to kesha's then to hugo's and i came home.....left again to kesha's...typed up her work and helped her w/ it.....then we raced back to my house haha we took like 3 red lights and i dont know how many stop signs and we got here at 1 in the am and she didnt leave 'til 5 in the am....i fell asleep about 4 times for like 10 minutes...and kesha was just laughing at me...she was on my computer and i'd wake up and she'd be like "lol krystle go to sleep its okay i'll fix this" haha she's so funny i love her to death! so she woke me up at 5ish and she was just laaaaaaaughing cause i was all knocked out and i get up and cant even stand up straight cause i was so knocked out.....haha but i didnt get up for my 2nd period class at 9:45...aghhh i suck! so i went to my 3rd period and did a power point which is always fun!!! then came home and worked on some paperwork and took them to damaris...then went w/ claudia to court lol cause she didnt wanna go alone cause shes a little chick-a-dee haahaa then i came home and now i'm talking to my love hugo on the phone haahaa <3 but uhhmmmm that's about it.....
me and my journal will meet again
<3 at the end