5D's dub 43

Jul 25, 2009 09:13

FFFFFFFFH. Crow still has his hero complex in the dub, how very amusing. :D "Who are you?" "Who me? Nobody. Just the guy who's gonna save your sorry butts! >D >D "

I have not seen Lazar in ages and already he is winnning me over. FFFFFFFFFFFFH.

Lolololool. Yuu angst is even more homo than before. "We used to throw down together and play King of the Deck and everything." FFFFFFFFFFFFHHHHHHHH. Typical 4Kids.

Aki-retrospection is pretty much the same as the original.

AWWWWWWWWWWW. TWINS. SO ADORABLEEEEEEE~! Their bickering is so adorableeeeeeeeee. And then Leo goes "I think we should part ways. :( "

FFFFFFFFHHHHHH. Crow. Stop beeing so hilarious. And Lazar. Stop being adorable with your little laugh.

Hahahhaa. They kept the punching scene in. And the lines are more or less the same. ...But they kept out the FACE PAUNCH scene. BAWWWWL.

TWIIIIIIIINNNNNS. And Leo goes and calls himself the "comic relief". BAWWWWWWWWWWWWL. They're so cute and angsty and just so bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Duel duel duel. And Crow insists on calling Lazar a Dark Signer, so pfffffft lololololololololol.


"Look, every time you open your mouth you sound more and more ridiculous."

"Well, then, why don't we stop talking and start dueling?! 'l'm gonna stop talking right now. Like seriously, I'm not talking anymore..." And so on and so forth....FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFH. <3

I want to see the second part of this already.

dub, rambles, oh 4kids, 5d's

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