[FICbits]: Star Child Snippets

Apr 19, 2013 09:52

-RJ’s true self and why he acts the way he does-

The Wild Card: the unpredictable piece that could turn the game at a moment’s notice.

With a description such as this, it was no wonder that everyone thought that the Rockman of Black Ace should have worn such a title. His uncanny antics, the abruptness of his manner, it all pointed to a wild, incorrigible character that could not be read. Instead, he wore the title of the Master, the one who could best all, the one who overtly showed strength and power, and the one that had a defined, absolute position.

With his own stoic and silent manner, many of the Rockmen had wondered why Wild Card was indeed not the Master; but when asked, little or no response was often given. Whatever answer that could be acquired was short and to the point, and usually consisted of “I am the Wild Card because that is my assigned title.” A boring, standard answer, and one that showed no depth of feeling or character-it would have been called a stupid answer had it not been Wild Card giving it. With such information given them, one almost could forget the true origins of the Wild Card and just why it was so unpredictable in the first place.

The Wild Card was a blank slate. It could become anything that was required of it at a moment’s notice-the ace, the king, the joker, a simple number. And so Wild Card preferred to be this blank slate whenever possible. It was rather easy-there were no expectations to fall under, no responsibilities to uphold until something came up. And with Master gallivanting about and dropping in first whenever possible, there was little use in Wild Card exercising his abilities.

And so it was that Wild Card often faded into the background when the others were present, and even when they weren’t around at all. Only by simple words and deeds were his presence known, a subtle hint at what he could and had become. A word here and there to contribute to a varied discussion. A drink, slid easily and unobtrusively down a table to console or amuse another Rockman by surprise. A presence, never quite noticed, but not exactly forgotten either, just as one does not forget the moon when it is gone from sight.

A few had seen through this ruse, had poked around the blank slate and found the residue left over from previous words scrawled on it. Assassin, with its sharp eye and silent observations, was as much-if not moreso-of a blank slate as he, and could easily make out the little slips of character Wild Card purposefully let out. The Master himself was all too familiar with every single mannerism of the one he affectionately called “Jokey,” and somehow the newest recruit, the Angel Rockman’s replacement, seemed to sense something off about him, could see past the dull manner of the Wild Card.

Even so, or perhaps because of this, Wild Card continued on in this manner of acting, obscuring and smothering whatever aspects of himself stood out in order to continue being the blank slate. To be able to become whatever his fellow Rockmen and the public themselves needed, well…he was satisfied to be able to do such a thing, whether others knew of it or not.


-Sage Kingdom and Sage Sky’s arguments about food (it was actually written as “Sage Kingdom and Sage Leo” BUT THAT IS THE SAME PERSON so I assumed it was Sage Sky since I honestly can’t see Sage Magic getting into such petty and unimportant-seeming discussions?)-

As warm-hearted and genial as Sage Kingdom was, and how airheaded and obliviously happy as Sage Sky could be, it didn’t stop the two from getting into disagreements. If everything could be decided so harmoniously in their chamber of deliberations, it would only prove that they were all too alike to come up with a diverse and varied opinion, wouldn’t it?

One of the constantly reoccurring topics during aimless discussion between the two (never three, Sage Magic was never one for idle chatter) was often about food, however-Kingdom had a stomach to match his large heart, and food was one of the few things that could constantly bring Sky back down to earth (literally, sometimes!).

Sometimes it bothered Kingdom that Sky could be so willingly careless of what he put in his mouth. Sky simply bantered back that Kingdom needed to be more open-minded.

Sky worried sometimes that Kingdom fussed too much over specific flavors of certain foods. Kingdom maintained that if one was going to enjoy their meal, they must at least eat food that they enjoy, first!

The one thing they both agreed on unanimously, however, was that Wild Card was a damn fine cook.


-Peacemaker and the point of war-

It seems like a simple idea, not forgetting what you’re fighting for. And yet people did it all the time. The wielder of Beserk’s power was sometimes appalled at how many people he had seen forget about such a purpose in the tides of battle. Was it really so easy to lose oneself in bloodlust? Talking to soldiers under his command made comprehending such a phenomenon easier, albeit not by much.

Apparently such a thing was instinctual. One forgot their purpose in the sheer need to stay alive, just for the moment. To do whatever they could to succeed, to win, to live, that was the goal of the moment. And by the sheer will and need to get through many such moments was how they accomplished the goal for the day, or for the battle. They remembered-but not until the end.

How was it that he himself could alone keep his thoughts clear, could move ahead with such purpose, to not forget what he was fighting for?

His own Warlock had simply replied that this was the quality of the original Rockman that he was meant to imbibe, which he sought in his host. This clarity of mind, this inability to forget, to remember their purpose and to strive for it…

And to overall remember that in the end, despite its hardships and difficulties, war was meant as a last resort to solve a dispute, not to create more.

If only others could remember such a thing, then perhaps it wouldn’t be necessary, and his role wouldn’t exist. Peacemaker honestly wouldn’t have minded if such a thing could happen.

But until that day arrived, he’d take up his sword whenever he was called, burning the purpose of his blade forever into his mind.


-Preserver, Taurus, and their own views on their destructive power and preserving the environment-

Like hell their power was the most destructive force of nature.

Fire? Don’t make them laugh. Mother Nature could protect itself just fine from most humans. They didn’t need their own artificially created fire to prove that.

How many different types of storms could she produce? What kind of devastation and wreckage could they all bring? How long could the lingering effects of such weather patterns last?

Who said that Mother Nature couldn’t bring down her own fury on humans, not be mad enough to heave mountains and move the earth itself? To shake the land down like some sort of criminal, bringing buildings to topple down like so many towers of blocks?

Poisoning the earth? Ha! Even now, many animals and foliage could produce their own venom many times more toxic than what humans themselves had yet to produce. She had her own venom to strike with.

Fire? Compared to such things, was fire such a devastating thing? It burned, it destroyed, but it also paved the way for new life. Burning down useless, wretched things and breaking them into the smaller pieces that could bring back something new…that was what fire did. It was both a natural and artificial phenomenon used by nature and humans alike. It was the sole force of nature that humans could touch and produce. It was the only means left to them for their jobs. And in the back of their minds, they thanked Nature every day for allowing them to harness such a raw and pure force.

Humans could be idiots sometimes, yes, and they could take it upon themselves to hunt down those idiots. They might as well make a statement to the world, to everyone else who couldn’t realize it.

Nature could take care of itself. But until the self-pretentious realized what little good their intentions were doing, who said that they couldn’t burn shit?


megaman star force, ryuusei no rockman, fanfic, star child au

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