Craigslist is big, especially in Dallas. According to their factsheet, this newspaper classifieds-style list was started as an event email list by Craig Newmark in San Francisco back in 1995. The website now receives 20 million pageviews a month and if you ask most people, they have heard of it by now. I started using Craigslist in 2004 after I heard about the hilarity and sadness of the missed connections section. Soon after, I started using the Dallas Craigslist to job hunt and recruit designers and 3D animators for a company. Contrary to popular belief, the Dallas Craigslist is not just for dating personals and rants, there are dozens of other fun things to do. Read on and you might learn something you didn't know about the Dallas Craigslist.
1. Be a Reality TV Star - Casting calls and try outs for up-and-coming reality TV shows, as well as movies in pre-production are posted on Craigslist. At one time or another you could try out for Cheaters, STAG, The Real World, MTV shows, and several TV pilots.
2. Trade Houses - Do a housing swap, some are just for the holidays, other offers for keeps. How about a permanent swap for a house in Costa Rica for one in Dallas? ¡Fírmeme para arriba!
Eight more things to do on Dallas Craigslist