Magic at Mabon and the Moon

Sep 24, 2010 22:52

How lovely to have the Full Moon and the Autumnal Equinox coinciding!

One result is a luscious abundance of ritual. Sunday I celebrated a new connection to an initiatory lineage (though not an initiation, at least not yet), and then an hour later retraced the journey of Persephone in a celebration of Mabon with the same group. Tuesday celebrated Mabon with a less-structured group of mostly longtime friends, singing and chanting and weaving vines. Friday (today) celebrated the Moon with magic to clear and ground.

Lessons, so far:

* The well-worn path may be easier to follow simply because it is wider, more clearly defined, the pitfalls labeled and warded.

* The eclectic path may have more freedom, and certainly offers more opportunity for experimental, unskilled participation -- with results that can be surprisingly effective, or surprisingly unsatisfying, by turns.

* We are all connected. The incidence of serendipity has been extraordinary.

* It seems possible that the chief purpose of family is to drive me crazy until I surrender. Twice this week (or maybe more?) I have had the experience of finally feeling fed up, stating a firm boundary, walking away to honor my unwillingness for that boundary to be violated ... and at once found the offending family member stepping forward to honor (in one case, for the very first time) my request.

* There is nothing so wonderful as deep work with friends.

* There is nothing so wonderful as deep work with people I may hardly know in ordinary circumstances but can know and trust deeply in ritual space.

* This is a wonderful moment to be incarnate.

awareness, acceptance, magic, old patterns, relationship, season, moon, synchronicity, celebration, progress, structure

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