30 days of fic - day ten

Aug 06, 2010 09:10

Day 10. A fic that reminds you of someone


Spencer walks up behind him and wraps his hands around Brendon's shoulders, fingers digging in. The muscles are tender and Spencer's fingers are just on this side of painful, and it feels amazing. Brendon drops his head, arches back against Spencer. He rests his fingers on the corner of the stove to keep his balance.

Spencer squeezes again, then lets go of Brendon's shoulders, wraps one arm around Brendon, his palm resting flat across Brendon's chest, and pulls Brendon flush against him. Brendon sags back.

"I'll give you a back rub after supper," Spencer says.

"'kay," says Brendon. "Thanks."

Spencer gives Brendon back rubs sometimes, even though he'll never let Brendon return the favour. Spencer's got a really huge personal space bubble. He makes an effort though. It's easier for him if he's the one doing the touching.


No Circumstances Could Excuse, by disarm_d, Bandom AU, Spencer/Brendon. Brendon is so determined to see Spencer in a good light. He's so damaged, but they still have... kind of a good thing. It's really well written. I think there's a Spencer point of view companion fic, but I can't find it at the moment. ETA: oh there it is. The author calls it a coda, but what it really tells us is how they got together.

Warnings: Spencer is a serial killer.

Sadly, I'm going to have to go with the easy way out here, because I've looked and looked through my bookmarks and I can't find anything that reminds me of an actual person. I'm sure there has been stories where I thought, oh, but they're not popping up at the moment. This is a great story though, and it does make me think of Dexter.

Day 01. A fic with a great opening
Day 02. A favorite new fic (posted in the last few weeks)
Day 03. A long-standing favorite fic
Day 04. A fic that you wish more people would read
Day 05. A fic you weren't sure you'd like but ended up loving
Day 06. A guilty pleasure fic
Day 07. A fic with a wonderful kiss
Day 08. A fic you plan on reading (old or new)
Day 09. A fic that makes you happy
Day 10. A fic that reminds you of someone
Day 11. A fic that changed your perceptions of the characters
Day 12. A fic with excellent banter
Day 13. A fic you liked when you were younger
Day 14. A fic that breaks your heart
Day 15. A fic you've read more than 5 times
Day 16. A fic people wouldn’t expect you to like
Day 17. A fic that holds a lot of meaning to you
Day 18. A remix fic you like
Day 19. A fic that makes you laugh
Day 20. A fic by one of your favorite authors
Day 21. A fic currently stuck in your head
Day 22. A fic you won't read late at night
Day 23. A favourite short fic (> 300 words)
Day 24. One of the first fanfics you read
Day 25. A fic you wish you'd never read
Day 26. A fic with a great OC
Day 27. A fic that spawned an inside joke
Day 28. A fic with a pairing you never thought you'd read
Day 29. A fic that turns you on
Day 30. A fic with a great ending

recs, meme

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