You're the Reason I Have to Stay

Mar 14, 2011 21:10

Title : You're the Reason I Have to Stay
Author : Norodenn
Pairing : Tsuzuki/Hisoka (Hey, look, finally managed to write on these two ! Next I'll be doing Loveless XD)
Disclaimer : Not mine, all by Yoko Matsushita
Rating : PG-13
Warning : spoilers for all the anime series, and till vol.8 of the manga series
A/N : Doodle while doing MarNoWriMo. I now have something to show you, guys ! Also, I planned to do a Simoun AMV (with Aces In Exile - Sabaton) and to dedicate it to the victims of the recent earthquake in Japan, but WMM decided he didn't want to work with .avi, and none of the others sofwares I downloaded wanted to work. So. I dedicate with thins to those who died, to those who lost the ones they loved, and to those who saved lives.

On a totally unrelated subject, I haven't been to LJ for a while, and wow, super ugly headbar. =(
Also, I'm apparently now 20. o_o

Anyway, enjoy !


He always wondered when they would leave. Ever since Tatsumi, since he was the first to do so. He didn't expect it, not at all. He was left there, without knowing what to think, what to do, destroyed by those simple little words : ‘Not this time, Tsuzuki.’ And not even once after that.

After Tatsumi, they all left one by one, sometimes angry, sometimes sad, thinking it was their fault. It wasn’t. It was always his fault, he knew that much.

That’s why when Kurosaki said he will stay with him after their first mission, he didn’t believe him. He was happy, because it meant at least one more time with him, and he thought he was beginning to actually like the kid, but he knew it couldn’t last.

But it did. Days after days in this eternity, Hisoka stayed by his side. Even when he turned into a demon - oh the irony, turning into what he is, deep inside - and almost destroyed the whole Juochou. Even after that, he was still here. But he still didn’t believe him.

And now, in this fire that was slowly burning to ashes everything around him, as he prayed Suzaku for brighter, higher flames, he wondered idly who would be Hisoka’s new partner. It was only when the face of the kid appeared in the fire, when he felt his trembling body against his own, when he heard him speaking - even if he couldn’t really make out what he was saying, even if the sense of it all didn’t really hit him at first - it was only then that he did understand that Hisoka will never leave him.

writing, yami no matsuei, yaoi, fanfic

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