
Jan 25, 2011 18:49

Various reasons for why I haven't been updating in a while :
- Exams ended last week
- Caught the flu last week too
- General busy life in December
- F00bar crash, subsequent depression and impossibility to do proper fanmixes.

Real reason : haven't got/read/hear/write/did anything worth updating.

So I got an idea for a original story, about lesbian pirates in a world where Africa is the leading part instead of Europe (that's the plot in a nutshell). This may or may not involve pirates. 
So I was, logically, researching about Africa. Came across the language question. Then this site, which is awesome. Then the conlang section.

Then I remembered my oldest project still on going, which had still no script system. This is the point where I should have stopped, really.

So yeah, now it has one. And a whole new hundred words, and it's still growing. Since I'm presently being caught between this old project, the new one, and the exams coming up in February, I don't have much to show you. My Simoun and Weiss Kreuz fic ideas are presently in a special .doc so I can get back to them later.

My friends, who watched me scribbling various things through this week (including strange graphs, non-sense words and awfully longs lists of vocabulary), are starting to get wrong ideas on my mental health.

So yeah. If you want more informations*, don't hesitate to ask, I'm always happy to speak about my little brain babies. ^^

*Except if it's about the sex scenes between pirates. They shall remain secret for the good of all of us.


TL;DR : Help ! I'm trapped in a original stories factory !

writing, yuri, original, miscellaneous

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