to anyone but ashley, this is probably boring. read it anyway.

Aug 12, 2005 10:38

JULIE TO JOANNA: Hey Joanna! Yea i'm angry now...don't ever ask if i'm in a ninja gang! i am not in a ninja gang. Although it would be pretty cool- i could beat you up yo! nah...but i guess i was busy..i'm sorry i culdn't ans. you right away. Is Ashley excited about school??? one more week....

JOANNA TO JULIE: lol its cool that you didnt write back, i get bored at work thats why im so annoying with facebook so please dont hate me bc of it. bummer about the ninja gang thing, but dont worry im sure you're still cool and frankly, im sure you could still beat me up.. the only person i could beat up is ashley. keep in mind shes weak if you need more closet space or someone to do your homework or something. i KNEW you wouldnt take offense to the ninja gang question bc i mean, it couldnt hurt to ask but ashley said you might be and i have little tact at these things so i wanted to clear the air. i think she feels the same way i do about college shes excited but also very scared and hoping you'll be cool. are YOU excited for college? why did you decide to go to vanderbilt? (see we're going to be super close i can feel it, im already asking you all types of personal questions) (when did you stop wetting the bed? (thats a joke, you dont need to answer unless you still do and then i might have to tell ash just so she'll buy air freshener and stuff))
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