Header # 1 for the year

Jan 09, 2008 21:11

Yay for a new header.

I might change the font, it's not quite there-- it's Century Gothic, and that can be a little tricky.

The resources are :

rainharbor for first bluish texture, and the second is by onebigshrug -- glad I could find a way to combine these two textures, which are some of my favorites.

The quote is by David Bowie. Or maybe a slight paraphrase. This is obviously me channeling covers from 1960's-1970's science fiction magazines and books.

(My caffe latte header will be back...in varying incarnations...)

"I think about things, I think about blue, what a jolly boring thing to do " ....(Bowie/paraphrased)

bowie, credits, sam carter, headers, sg1

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