Put these words in your mouth ST:XI Kirk/McCoy preslash PG-13 2,500 words Warnings for angst, poor structural integrity, language, a running joke about shooting people in the ass and the abuse of half of a mattress. For the space_wrapped prompt: "Post-apocalyptic Christmas - keeping the festive spirit alive, even though 90% of the population isn't."
Pick one of my stories and tell me a point in the tale that you'd change. Something tiny (e.g. "and then Gerard ate toast instead of cereal") or big (e.g. "and then the Fireman caught Pete on his way to Patrick's") and I'll tell you how that one difference would have altered the course of the entire story.
Comment with a story I've written, and I will tell you one thing I knew, learned, or wondered about while writing the story that didn't make it onto the page.
So apparently there's a fic commentary meme going round? Or at least, people on my flist are all having the same idea at the same time, and I am willing to jump on the bandwagon.
So let's just say that if I *were* to write a commentary for one of my fics, which should it be?