You guys, you guys,
mcrnut has done an amazing pencil drawing of
SecondCity!Gerard. You all need to go and look over there right now, not least because the post also contains sad lesbian mermaids. How could that not improve your day?
Other things which will improve your day include
Common Grounds, possibly most adorable Star Trek AU of our times, in which there are printing presses and poorly-chosen internet dating handles and lots of talk about fonts, which (and I may not have shared this before) is pretty much my favourite thing for attractive people to do. This fic leaves me with a grin on my face so ridiculous and irremovable that I have it bookmarked on my phone and read it on the way into work when I know I'm going to have a horrible day. Reading it feels like getting a kitten implanted in my frontal lobe, except more practical and less medically impossible.
On a less kittenish but no less excellent note, there is
Never Seen the Sunrise, which comes with the same torture/angst/general dystopia warnings as 99.9% of everything I have ever recommeneded to anyone ever, but is richer and more lyrical than most of those things and makes itself feel huge in just a couple of thousand words.
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